
21 February 2013

basic machine skills workshops - free - sponsored by carnegie community center & face the world foundation

wow, i am so excited to be able to give you this news.  it seems that when one has a vision, and a dream, and starts working at it in the 'real' world, things do fall into place serendipitously.  
lisa & karenza

so yes, this is the buzz about these workshops.

using folk patterns, common around the world, in the present and the past, we will make a pattern for each person.  these are very, very simple and easy patterns.  each person will make a top and a pair of pants or skirt.  neat eh?

the first 2 sessions will be to familiarize yourself with sewing tools and methods, and safe practices; you will learn basic sewing techniques and take home a simple item you have made during each session.

using this knowledge you will, during the next four sessions, make your two-piece outfit.

all supplies will be provided, including fabric; however, if you have some plain colour cloth (no pattern) you want to use, please bring it with you for the first session.  the fabric needs to be a medium weight textile that is not slippery (silk, rayon) - best is something that is all cotton or has a good cotton content.  even more best :) is if you want to use an existing garment to re-purpose.

at present i only have one machine, which is fine because it allows for people to get individual attention.  i have broken up the time into these slots:

2:30 to 4:00 pm - one machine session - person 1
4:30 to 6:00 pm - second machine session - person 2

3:00 to 5:30 pm - hand sewing - 3 people maximum

which means you need to register for these workshops by sending me an message in the comments space below, saying whether you want the hand or machine sewing workshop, and which time slot for machine sewing workshop.  

please, do not register if you are not sure.  also, it is best if you can attend all 6 workshops.  

also, in all fairness, first choice will be given to carnegie community center members, on a first come-first served basis.

this project is funded by face the world foundation.


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