
17 April 2011

about chindi & me

Far, far away in an ancient land, now called India, a girl child was born in the Mohan Nagar neighbourhood of the city of Nagpur, Maharashtra State.  After many experiences, some positive, some negative, but mostly mediocre if not downright boring,  she arrived in the third world village of downtown eastside of Vancouver.  She loved colour and shape and the combining of these elements to create more/ different colours and shapes. Often she wants to eat colours. Her name is Karenza T. Wall and she is me.

Most, if not all of my work is made from remnants (industrial, fabric stores, donations by friends).  In the Hindi dialect spoken in my hood chindi (pronounced chin thee – as in the), means scraps and/or rags of fabrics.  It seemed apt to call my work  “chindi designs”.  

My belief is that all peoples, irrespective of economics have the right to have unique garments and accessories, personally designed  and made by themselves, 

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